Vectors heads and tailsΒΆ

The pygmt.Figure.plot method can plot vectors with individual heads and tails. We must specify the modifiers (together with the vector type) by passing the corresponding shortcuts to the style argument.

vector heads tails


<IPython.core.display.Image object>

import pygmt

fig = pygmt.Figure()
fig.basemap(region=[0, 10, 0, 15], projection="X15c/10c", frame='+t"Vector heads and tails"')

angle=0 # in degrees, measured counter-clockwise from horizontal

for vecstyle in [
    "v0c", # vector without head and tail (line)
    "v0.6c+bA+eA+a50", # plain open arrow at the beginning and end of the vector path, angle of the vector head apex is set to 50
    "v0.4c+bI+eI", # plain open tail at the beginning and end
    "v0.3c+bt+et+a80", # terminal line at the beginning and end, angle of the vector head apep is set to 80
    "v0.6c+e", # arrow head at the end
    "v0.6c+bc+ea", # circle at the beginning and an arrow head at the end
    "v0.6c+bt+ea", # terminal line at the beginning and an arrow head at the end
    "v1c+e+h0.5", # arrow head at the end, shape of the vector head is set to 0.5
    "v1c+b+e+h0.5", # modified arrow heads at the beginning and end
    "v1c+bi+ea+h0.5", # tail at the beginning and an arrow with modified vector head at the end
    "v1c+bar+ea+h0.8", # half-sided arrow head (right side) at the beginning and an arrow at the end
    "v1c+bar+eal+h0.5", # half-sided arrow heads at the beginning (right side) and end (left side)
    "v1c+bi+ea+r+h0.5+a45", # half-sided tail at the beginning and arrow at the at the end (right side for both)
    fig.plot(x=x, y=y, style=vecstyle, direction=([angle], [length]), pen="2p", color="red3")
    fig.text(x=6, y=y, text=vecstyle, justify="ML", offset="0.2c/0c")
    y -= 1  # move the next vector down

Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 4.661 seconds)

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